MIP-30 - Extension of the MC to BEAM token migration period to allow just claimed v1 rewards to still be converted into BEAM

From what I see there are way more YES for smaller wallets, and now we have big whales accounts with more than 20M $BEAM (~$400k) voting NO.
There wans’t such big wallets in previous MIP votes, even less that many.

Even though we would have had the majority of YES, the whale wallets have more voting power.
We’re reaching the limit of this voting system: now whales are in control of future MIP decisions.

The vote for MIP-30 is finished, but I would like to address your statement:

MIP-30 was the first vote where BEAM was used as a governance token. All votes before used MC. Where 1 MC gave you 1 vote power, 1 BEAM gives you now 1 vote power too. If you divide this total result by 100 and compare it to previous votes you’ll find out that the participation is somewhere in the middle of the previous 2 votes. And there have been wallets voting with 1m+ MC (=100 million BEAM).

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You are technically correct the best kind of correct

My mistake, I forgot the ratio and dumbly compared the numbers. I’ll edit my previous post.
Thank you for pointing this out! :+1:

edit: apparently I cannot edit my previous post, there probably is a time limit after which edition is not possible anymore :thinking:

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