MIP-30 - Extension of the MC to BEAM token migration period to allow just claimed v1 rewards to still be converted into BEAM

Ok now there is something I don’t understand.

According to:
Locking up the majority share of initial contributor tokens for at least 4 years

  • hundreds of millions of $MC tokens are locked until April 2026

The $MC → $BEAM migration deadline is the 26th of October 2023.

So I from what I read, for many $MC tokens from initial contributor: they will be unlocked after the migration deadline, so not possible to migrate them to $BEAM

I didn’t see anything about those 2 in MIP-28 nor MIP-29 that would allow an early unlocking.

So is this more than just “only the people with eMC that will be unlocked after deadline can’t migrate”? but initial contributor tokens are concerned as well? :thinking: