Proposal template

To create a Merit Circle Improvement Proposal (MIP) please use the following template in accordance with the Merit Circle Constitution:

A clear and informative title of the proposal, without any numbering of the proposal. The moderator will add a number to the MIP if voting commences.

Authors and contributors
The name of the author(s) and other contributor(s) to the proposal (to the extent applicable).

Information on the progress stage of the proposal and the duration of the discussion period (within the parameters set out by the Constitution). This section should be updated by the author or the Governance Forum moderator(s) when, and if, a proposal moves to a vote, in addition to when the vote is concluded.

A brief summary of the key information in the proposal, including information on what is proposed and what it will entail for Merit Circle DAO.

Specification of the proposal
A thorough in depth description of the proposal, including explanation of the changes should the relevant proposal be implemented. If applicable, this section should also refer to the outcomes of any MPOLLs (as defined in the Constitution) held before the proposal.

Explanation of why the author(s) believes the proposal should be implemented.

An elaboration on why the proposal should be adopted considering both the pros and cons of the proposal. This can for instance be done by answering questions that the author anticipates may be asked as a result of the proposal. The author is also encouraged to elaborate on legal considerations relating to the proposal, to the extent applicable.

Details on the required costs that will or may be incurred in order to implement the proposal, in addition to expected future costs as a result of the proposal being implemented (if any).

A Yes/No poll to gauge community sentiment as to whether a proposal should proceed to a vote or not.

The following sentence shall be added: “Copyright and related rights waived via Creative Commons CC0”.