MIP-26 Cancel all future V2 & V3 staking rewards and unlock all V2 stakers - Proposal

Thank you for this proposal and to all contributors, as always. I am generally in favour of the proposal and will vote yes in its current form.

I would like to echo Cryptolawyer’s sentiment about the burn of the tokens and it possibly being better to discuss the use of these tokens in a different discussion - as to not pack too many decisions into one.

Not to clutter this proposal any further with staking V1, although I would like to advocate for fairness across all stakers. In the discussion thread Mick mentioned a possibility to put V1 and V2 on equal footing, yet I see no further mention of this in the current proposal. For clarification, what is the current plan for V1?

Below, Mick’s reply from the discussion thread.

Tokens can be taken out of the sMC v1 contracts using that function called from the MC DAO multisig.
Same goes for eMC. (Does not require burning)

Tokens can then be airdropped to their owners.
Its trivial to do this and does not require any additional smart contracts.
Tokens can then be airdropped together with the V2 rewards using the contract which would already need to be deployed anyway.

The argument of added risk I’ve seen in places is non valid imo.
EDIT: v1 LP stakes could also be unlocked in the same manner
(Merit Circle: mcLPPool V1 | Address 0x5c76ad4764a4607cd57644faa937a8ca16729e39 | Etherscan)


After careful consideration, we have chosen to abstain from voting on this proposal in order to protect the welfare and interests of our constituents. Our abstention should not be construed as expressing any opinion on the merits of the proposal. By maintaining a neutral position, we prioritize the collective well-being of those with a vested interest in our organization.

Signed with left paw,

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Regrettably, the Ascending Galactic Federation finds itself light weeks away from our MC wallet with it being into the custody of a third party. As a consequence, our ability to engage in the imminent voting on the proposal is utterly obstructed, regardless of any individual biases that may or may not have existed in the past. The cosmic forces at play have conspired to withhold our participation, leaving us adrift amidst the vast expanse of the galactic frontier.


Erik von Pumpson
Admiral of the MC Enterprise
Ascending Galactic Federation
