MIP-20 A 200 Million Merit Circle Token Burn


This is simply a proposal put forward by a DAO participant - literally what this governance forum is used for. You also put forward a topic on this forum previously in March suggesting that we hold too many stables, and should be 50% in BTC + ETH. Slightly off-topic but since you suggested that ETH and BTC went down a further >50%. No one accused you of “pushing your own narrative by manipulating the community” or implying that you were doing so to benefit only yourself or acting in a nefarious way.

Instead of explaining why you think this proposal shouldn’t pass, you have resorted to insults and declaring that the author only has selfish purposes in mind. No one has to vote yes to this proposal and I’m sure Sad Cat Capital welcome any and all discussion - even if its a post to say “I will be voting NO to this for xyz reasons”

You say this centralises the DAO but I fail to see how?

These tokens aren’t owned by anyone in particular. No one is using them to vote and no one will ever gain control of these tokens to do so. If someone did manage to acquire these tokens then they WILL control the DAO. Likewise distributing these tokens to the community will only dilute everyone’s stake in MC and achieve nothing except providing sell pressure. Token burns affect all tokens equally, no one has “special” tokens that this would somehow benefit more than everyone else. I would greatly look forward to a response on how this proposal benefits only one party and negatively affects everyone else.

Is there anything else you’d suggest doing with the tokens? From MIP-7 and this proposal you’d see that 75% are currently being burned every month anyway. It won’t be long before almost all of the funds will be burned by the passage of time. If you have a better use for the tokens then please include that in your response, as thats actually important to this proposal.

Also, you have previously admitted to being the person who sells into green candles in an attempt to re-buy lower each time, so accusing someone else of doing this is one of the richest things I’ve heard.

The entire purpose of this governance forum is for participants to thing “Hey I think this might be a good idea - what do you think?”

People are then welcome to post responses as to why they think this might be a good or bad idea, and then vote accordingly. There is nothing nefarious or manipulative about posting a proposal to be put up for discussion, so please leave the insult throwing at home.


Johnny Jawnz
